Thursday 14 April 2011

The Run-Up To The Royal Wedding, Pt 2

I have three more for you! (Are you excited yet? How about now? How about now? Now?)

This is cool. This is very, very cool. Miles Kane, A Girl Like You (Edwyn Collins cover) 7".

This band is doing some serious logic-defying! A three-sided single! The A-side is apparently going to be double grooved so it plays two tracks.  (I would have preferred a triangular record m'self, but each to their own.) This song'll be on it - Jesus, by DOM.

7" single, limited to 300. Very good song. No, those are not jangles. That is not an awesome bass line. And no, I don't keep pressing replay. No, I don't. The Heartbreaks, Jealous Don't You Know

(How about now?)


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