Have you ever tried to guess a band's sound from their name? I have. I've practiced and refined this skill, useless as it may be, and I'm pretty good at it by now. Apple Rabbits? Something a little strange. Warm. Familiar. Mental. Not unlike a psychotic teddy bear. I wasn't that far off. Warm? No. Familiar? Kinda. Mental? Certainly. More The Termianator Goes Hawaiian than pyscotic childhood friend. And that's the long and short of it. Full of darting bleeps and occasional woozy vocals, unusual samples and spinning feedback. Discordant in parts and melodic in others, it's an album that tries to pull at everything you might call soothing or meditative, and fit as much in as possible. It's cramped and it isn't - is that possible? It must be, I suppose, because that's what it's like. It bewilders the ears and the mind, while ostensibly being as chilled as the Dalai Lama on Sunday afternoon. Strange, as I said. Addictively so.
The album on Bandcamp
Moll x
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