Monday, 8 August 2011

(A Special) Music Monday

The tagline on my blog says "There's good music everywhere, if you know where to look". To be honest, I find it somewhat pretentious, so I'll probably take it down. But the idea behind this post is really to share with you where I find stuff. (by the way, it'd be awesome if you could leave me comments saying where you find yours!)

So, 1a) the radio. Yes, the radio. Before switching to BBC Radio 6, I listened to Radio 2, which wasn't great for finding new music or anything particularly alternative (at least, during the daytime shows), but sometimes they'll throw in a wildcard. I found the evening shows had a bit more variety, and it's by listening to them that I first heard No Name #4 and Bloodbuzz Ohio by Elliott Smith and The National respectively, to name just two.

1b) Internet radio. I remember quite vividly hearing This Year by The Mountain Goats for the first time, after putting Elliott Smith into the Jango internet radio generator. After becoming more aware of these things, I found Last FM was better, but Jango, as far as I remember, doesn't play ads between songs.

2) Youtube. Yeah, unsurprising I know, but you really can find some great songs just from going from video to video (also, fantastic for when you're bored and still want to feel like you're actually doing something). I've found so many people like this I can't even begin to name them.

3) Looking for free (or at least cut price) stuff! Amazon and iTunes do free songs and reduced-price promotions, though the problem with those is it's usually just mainstream things, although iTunes did once offer Georgia by Yuck, so just have a look 'coz you never know. Record label websites quite often have free songs available too, like Team Love, Sub Pop, Joyful Noise etc. (There's a very extensive list of labels on Wikipedia I usually use for Label Day). Record shops themselves also sometimes have albums stupidly cheap, and I've occasionally found albums in charity shops for 50p-£2 (and some places will cut the price down for you if you get loads, or if it's a bit damaged).


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