Wednesday, 30 November 2011

(Ad) Music Monday

I know I've done one of these before, but I think it's about time I did it again!

First, not strictly an ad and more a promo, from a recent-ish campaign pon Universal Channel for Without A Trace. Cat Power, I Found A Reason

This is definitely an ad, not a promo, and a damn good song to boot! James Vincent McMorrow, Higher Love

The first time I heard this advert, I said, and I quote "Aww! Why did you have to cover this? Couldn't you just use the Smiths version?" (it's one of my favourite Smiths songs) but as time went on, I realized how nice a version it is. Helped of course by the fact that this is one of the most adorable adverts I've ever seen. Slow Moving Millie, Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want

Moll x

Label Day: Firebox Records

I feel I need to do something different.

This song makes me want to hide under the desk. That said, I really like it. Hmm. Swallow The Sun, Deadly Nightshade

This one is also quite...ah...intimidating, but they're being nice about it. Dark The Suns, The Rain

Gentle. I like. Forest Of Shadows, Selfdestructive

Well, I did warn you.


Monday, 28 November 2011

(Merry) Music Monday

No, not a Christmas post (heck, it's not even December!), but instead a bit of a feel-good post.

I was almost certain I'd posted this already, but it appears not. Jookabox, Don't Go Phantom

I love this song so much. I was writing my book this morning (yes, I write books, too) and there was scene that really would have fit this song. Pity it's not on my iPod. The Mountain Goats, Genesis 3:23

This is typical of my kind of happy song.
It's not a happy song.
But just look at yourself.
You're grinning from ear to ear.
Regina Spektor, That Time


Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Label Day: Quote Unquote Records

Well hello! Nice of you to join me for another Label Day, which today is apparently the first ever donation based record label. 

I love this, unsurprisingly. (Less Than Jake - ska) + The Mountain Goats = The Taxpayers, The Windows Break

Picture this. You're in a car, probably a red or blue truck, driving down Route 66; the sun is shining and the wind is blowing your hair into your mouth as your brother plays guitar on the back seat. Heavenly, in other words. The Wild, Set Ourselves Free 

This reminds of something. I can't place it though, so you'll have to listen to it and make up your own mind. Shinobu, Antarctic Stare

Aaaand here is their site

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Song Of The Week: Sunset Rubdown, Idiot Heart

The only way I could do this song justice is by quoting it in its entirety and leaving it at that.

Except I'm not allowed to do that, really, am I?

So am I only allowed to talk about the way the drums meander and fall, the way the keyboard sounds oh-so-Joy Division, the way it twists, twangs and builds, the way every. single. word. takes your breath away? It never stops, letting you fall over its oddly brilliant opening riff and then hitting you with a lyrical suckerpunch to the gut. It twinkles and shimmers like wax melting in the sun, like Darth Vader hanging fairy lights - sweet yet strangely creepy.  It sends you spinning as you try and keep track of all those twists and then drops the floor from beneath your feet; Wrapping itself around you, pulling you further and further into its own distorted wonderland. Sharp and sweet. Cosy and cold. Rising and falling like so many rollercoasters. Building, building, building, and then...and then it drifts away, promising an earth-shattering ending and not delivering.



Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Label Day: Catbird Records

I would like to preface this post with two tips for any newbie record labels.
First, email me. See how over there  -->
Second, and I should have lead with this, get yourself a good name. See the title of this post.

Another victim of the heard of but still unheard syndrome, sadly. This song is brilliant. Somebody Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Lower The Gas Prices Howard Johnson.

Eleven seconds. ELEVEN FREAKIN' SECONDS, that's all it took for me to fall in love with this. I'm getting Crash Test Dummies crossed with Devendra Banhart. Go on. Click the link. Pet Politics, Sunday Morning.

Twelve seconds this time. I should make a post or a page of songs that catch you within twenty seconds, really I should. Air Waves, Shine On

Also, their website:


Monday, 14 November 2011

Music Monday: The Youtube Trail, VI

Remember this feature? Of course you do.

Firstly, Frog Eyes. No, don't be like that! It's not an insult, it's the name of the band! The fourth (fifth, if you count Hot Hot Heat) Wolf Parade related band I've listened to, and, well, I'm not as impressed as I could have been. Frog Eyes, The Sensitive Girls   


This is spectaculiar. It's odder than it first appears. More awesome than it first appears, too. Smog, Guiding Light


This, not so much. In different circumstances, I'm sure I'd like it, but It's just a bit too monotonous for me. The Radio Dept, The Video Dept.


Hmm. With the video, it's a bit too soppy, but without the video it's really good. Emily and The Woods, Steal His Heart



Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Label Day: Arts And Crafts

My blogging muscles haven't had much of a workout recently, have they? Let's warm up with a little thing called Label Day, shall we?

I keep seeing this band around the place, and I've always pretty much gone: "Tssh, I can't be bothered right now, I'll look 'em up tonight before I go to bed." And have I done? No, not until now. Timber Timbre, Too Old To Die Young

Do you love drifty music? Yes? Here you go. The Darcys, Shaking Down The Old Bones

This gal reminds me a bit of Zooey Deschanel, and if She and Him were more like this instead of that twee thing they've got going on (although, before you all throw rocks at me, I like twee, and I like Zooey's voice, but more than a minute of listening to She and Him and it starts to annoy me). Amy Millan, Bury This


Sunday, 6 November 2011

AOTS: Clara Engel, Madagascar EP

She emailed me a few weeks ago with a link to her EP on Bandcamp, and I'm never sure what to think on the odd occasions that that happens. And no matter what I thought, this is better. The title track, for instance, is one of the few songs to have actually scared me. It's more wild than either of the other two tracks, howling, screeching, and crashing like thunder. Accompanied By Dreams is softer, more open, less like being chased through a storm and more like seeing moving shadows in an empty room. There's a strange spectral beauty to it, slight but still powerful. Watch out for her.



Welcome Back, Stranger! (Plus, News On A Long-Awaited Review!)

Yes, yes. I know. But I've had six exams over three weeks (and I had to go down to Bristol to sit them, which is a thousand mile round trip)! Please let me have this one, please? 

So, where was I? Oh yes, that long-awaited review.

I'm gonna go put it up now.
